
Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it."

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Wham! Pow! Living in a crazy comic book world!

Those folks in the comics live in a bizarre, crazy world.   Let's take some looks into the weird, kooky reality of their universe.

Up today:  Robots (Part 1):  They are everywhere.

This story is too big to be told in one post.  Robots are everywhere.  Any twelve year old boy into science can put one together.  They play chess.  They serve as police officers and in the armed forces.   They can even be your neighbor.  But sometimes these robotic friends can have a faulty wire, or a lose screw, or a mad scientist owner, and then they go batty, causing property damage and even the occasional attack on humans.

So, both forces of good, and sometimes forces of, well, bad. But either way, is it the robots' fault, or is it just their programming?

Dad to Mom:  "I don't know what it is, Wife, but I am uncomfortable around the new neighbors."
Mom to Dad:  "Well it was disturbing when they removed their heads during that card game last night to give themselves an oiling.  Couldn't that have waited until later?" 


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