
Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it."

Friday, February 11, 2011

Warning: Hallmark Holiday Approaching!

In honor of the Hallmark Holiday coming up next week, which enables us to declare our love with witty cards, here are a few select cards to help you state your intent.

For your good friend or buddy, I suggest the Flash/Supergirl "Let's Be Friends!" or Green Lantern "Hi! Let's Be Pals!"  This will get you through the holiday with acknowledgment, but no commitment.

For something safe to show some slight interest but again, avoid any commitment, an Aquaman "You're quite a 'catch', Valentine" is a hit.

Or perhaps a Batgirl "I want to be on your side" would be like a wink of the eye.  Subtle but harmless.

To show some interest, you could fill in the blanks with this romantic Aquaman and his wife Mera Valentine card.  This will allow you to say as much, or as little, as you like.

For those with some serious commitment, say boyfriend/girlfriend or even spouse, I would advise a Superman card for the occasion, such as "What Superman does, I don't want to do - He travels alone - I want to travel with you!"   Sweet and to the point.

Another option would be Wonder Woman's "For you, Valentine, I'd move Heaven and Earth!"   Now this one shows true love and devotion.

To totally confuse a potential beau or mate, there is always the Batman "Swing along with me...You're Special!"  Just enough passionate words to really cause the heart to patter, in nervousness.

Another to throw someone off guard is the Green Arrow "I'm aiming for you Valentine. You're nice!  Zip"  Do you want to show love, or message an arrow toward the heart?

And finally, for the stalker, I would suggest Batman in "You can't hide from me, Valentine!"  It is sure to strike some emotion in your intendee, probably a rush of fear.

So Happy Valentine's Day people.  Share the love!

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